The GRCA Certificate Programs
Programs Offered
In 2004 the GRCA Board approved the Certificate of Conformation Assessment (CCA) bringing to 13 the number of recognition awards that are offered through the club.
The requirements for these programs are available on the GRCA website ( and are occasionally published in the GRNews.
These programs currently consist of:
- Six Halls of Fame
- Agility Dog (ADHF)
- Dual Dog (DDHF)
- Field Dog (FDHF)
- Obedience dog (OBHF)
- Show Dog (SDHF)
- Hunting Test Dog (HTHF)
- Two Outstanding Producer awards
- Outstanding Dam (OD)
- Outstanding Sire (OS)
- Three programs recognizing field and conformation
- Working Certificate (WC)
- Working Certificate Excellent (WCX)
- Certificate of Conformation Assessment (CCA)
- Two programs recognizing performance in multiple venues
- Versatility (VC)
- Versatility Excellent (VCX)
- One program recognizing performance in multiple venues at Regional and National Specialties
- Triathlon Award
GRCA members whose dogs fulfill the requirements receive certificates acknowledging these accomplishments, and all dogs earning these awards are included in the GRCA yearbooks regardless of membership status.
The Hall of Fames, Working Certificate, Working Certificate Excellent, and Certificate of Conformation Assessment certificates are mailed out regularly throughout the year. Certificates for the Outstanding Producers are compiled on an annual basis to reflect the calendar years and mailed in late May or June of the year following when the award was achieved. Certificates are automatically mailed out to GRCA members; you do not need to apply for these.
The Triathlon Award, Versatility and Versatility Excellent certificates on the other hand must be applied for and documentation needs to accompany the application. As with the award requirements, the application can be found on the GRCA website or occasionally in the GRNews. Certificates are printed and mailed usually within a few days of receipt and verification of the application.
The Working Certificate, Working Certificate Excellent, and Certificate of Conformation Assessment certificates are printed and distributed within a few weeks of the event – after the test committee submits the judging results. If you have not received your WC, WCX or CCA certificates, check with the committee chairperson whose name and contact information is provided in the front of the GRNews or on the GRCA website.
Certificate timetable summarized
When can you expect to receive your certificate?
- Once a year – usually June for the Halls of Fame and Outstanding Producer awards, after the statisticians have compiled and submitted the information to the yearbook editor and certificate chairman
- Within one month of submitted application and documentation for the Triathlon Award, Versatility, and Versatility Excellent
- Within two months of the event for the Working Certificate, Working Certificate Excellent, and Certificate of Conformation Assessment which is after the event results have been forwarded to GRCA by the host clubs
Recognition in the GRNews
In addition to issuing certificates, the GRCA recognizes its award winners with announcements in columns in the GRNews. Announcements for Hall of Fame winners and Outstanding Producers are published throughout the year on an honor system. In other words, the owner submits a photo and information to the appropriate columnist before the statistician has compiled their annual list. The VC/VCX information is verified before publication as part of the application/documentation process. WC/WCX and CCA results are submitted by the host clubs.
To submit photos and information for the GRNews only, look at a recent GRNews and contact the appropriate columnist. When submitting information for the GRNews keep in mind that the deadlines are two months ahead of actual publication. For example: the November 15th deadline is for the January/February issue. Clear original photos are preferred, and will be returned to you after publication. However, if you submit a digital photo they must be high resolution – a minimum of 300 dpi or they cannot be used. Deadlines are adhered to so the earlier you can submit your information to the columnist the better.
In conclusion
We are all proud of the accomplishments of those who work so hard to improve the Golden Retriever breed in all areas of competition. The certificate program is in place to recognize those accomplishments. If you have questions, comments or concerns about any of the certificates please don’t hesitate to contact Sherri Farmer for assistance.