GRCA Titling Events

WC/WCX: GRCA’S Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) Program

Working Certificate and Working Certificate Excellent Rules

GRCA’s purpose in establishing and making available a Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) to all owners of Golden Retrievers is to encourage the use of and maintain the natural hunting and retrieving abilities… Learn more now!

Calendar for WC/WCX Tests

Check out the previous and upcoming events for WC/WCX: GRCA’S Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) Program…Learn more now!

Application for Clubs to Hold a WC/WCX

Please print the following form and submit it to the proper GRCA Regional Representative at least 60 days prior to the proposed test date. Fill in all blanks and submit to proper GRCA Regional Representative at least 60 days prior…Learn more now!

Help for Submitting WC/WCX Online Application

All applications must be received by the regional WC/WCX representative at least 60 days in advance of the test date or a late fine will be imposed on the club submitting the late application. Learn more now!

Tips for Clubs Holding WC/WCX Tests

There are many factors involved in a club holding successful WC/WCX tests. The first consideration is to get good, knowledgeable judges. This may seem obvious, but often it is left to the last minute. Clubs can end up… Learn more now!

Training for the WC/WCX

As a resource, the GRCA provides sample diagrams for WC/WCX tests, tips for WC/WCX handlers, and what to do if you want a WC or WCX on your dog… Learn more now!