Photo Galleries
A breed of many adventures. As excellent hunting dogs and family companions, Goldens also excel as Therapy, Service, Guide, and Search & Rescue dogs. Their performance in organized dog events such as Conformation (the show ring), Obedience, Agility and Rally trials, Tracking and Hunt tests, is well-known. Most of all, Goldens are beloved family members who are equally comfortable with a hike, swim, romp in the snow, snuggle on the sofa, or taking up most of your bed at night! Check out photos of what Goldens love to do!

Photos: 26
Photos: 26

Fun and Family
Photos: 33
Photos: 33

Service Dogs
Photos: 4
Photos: 4

Photos: 17
Photos: 17

Field Dogs
Photos: 77
Photos: 77

Obedience and Rally
Photos: 14
Photos: 14

Photos: 11
Photos: 11

Photos: 22
Photos: 22

Other Events
Photos: 12
Photos: 12

Homepage Query
Photos: 10
Photos: 10