Agility Firsts
1st GRCA National Specialty Agility Trial held in conjunction with the 57th GRCA National Specialty, hosted by Lenape GRC September 8-15,1996, Newark, DE |
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1st Novice Agility Standard – NA GOLDSTORM WILD WEST SHOW NA (Susan Roehm & Diane Mueller) October 2, 1994 |
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1st Novice Agility Jumpers-NAJ EMPYREAL BOUND FOR GLORY AX AXJ (Gary Leibovitz) August 29, 1998 |
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1st Open Agility Standard-OA OTCH DUSTI NUI NUGGET UDX AX (Janet Schomer) November 27, 1994 |
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1st Open Agility Jumpers-OAJ MEADOWPOND FIX IT CRICKET TDX AX AXJ (Sarah & Thomas Fix) September 26, 1998 |
1st Excellent Agility Standard-AX TEJAS TRACE OF TOPAZ UDX JH MX WC (Jane Simmons-Moake) September 23, 1994 |
1st Excellent Agility Jumpers-AXJ MIRAMICHI TROLLEYCAR TO BIJOU CDX SH MX AXJ WCX (Miki Shannon) April 4, 1998 |
1st Master Agility Standard-MX TEJAS TRACE OF TOPAZ UDX JH MX WC (Jane Simmons-Moake) June 17, 1995 |
1st Master Agility Jumpers-MXJ FLASHPAWS HOLLYWOOD HOT SHOT UDX MX MXJ (Jane Simmons-Moake) September 26, 1998 |
1st Master Agility Champion MACH FLASHPAWS KOOKI LIL CHARMER (Maggie Downey) |
1st Century FAST title MACH5 Starwind’s Cassie Munga, TD, JH, WXC, TQX, FTC1, ADHF (Gail Shaw) |