Juvenile Renal Dysplasia Study
Juvenile Renal Dysplasia (JRD) or Renal Dysplasia (RD) is an inherited condition affecting the developmental maturation of the kidney. The key clinical signs of JRD include (but are not limited to) excess water intake and urination from a young age (8 weeks to 2 years of age), and small, irregular-shaped kidneys observed by ultrasound examination. As the disease progresses, dogs may exhibit vomiting, lethargy, and weight loss as a result of renal failure.
A particularly high prevalence of JRD in certain breeds, as well as clustered occurrence in certain pedigrees, suggests a genetic predisposition. Investigators at the Broad Institute are attempting to identify the mutation(s) responsible for JRD in Golden Retrievers by comparing the genomes of affected dogs to the genomes of healthy dogs. Identification of the mutation(s) that cause JRD will permit development of a genetic test so that breeders can avoid producing affected puppies, and early identification of affected dogs without clinical signs may also lead to more effective therapeutic intervention.
To participate in this study or for further information, owners of dogs suspected of having JRD are requested to contact:
Michele Koltookian
Last updated July 2017