Electronic Health Survey Results at 1 year

Table 3

Estimated Prevalence Comparison of Common Golden Retriever Cancers
1998 - 1999 Scientific Survey: 2012 Electronic Survey
1998 Scientific Health Survey
Based on 1444 total dogs (a)
Electronic Survey
1 Yr Results
Based on 3425 total dogs (b)
Change in prevalence from 1998 Survey
Type of cancer# affected% of all dogs# affected% of all dogs
Mast Cell Tumors654.5%922.7%40% decrease
Melanoma251.7%391.1%35% decrease
Mammary443.0%330.9%70% decrease
Liver100.7%401.2%71% increase
All Cancers
(including Table 1)
63143.7%109732.0%26.8% decrease
  1. Dogs in this survey were a minimum of 5 years old, and the selection was further weighted toward older dogs by requesting that owners entering multiple dogs select their five dogs with the earliest birth dates.
  2. Dogs entered into this survey could be any age, and therefore many may not have yet reached ages for which a cancer diagnosis is most likely.