About the Breed

Health & Research

New from the GRCA Health and Genetics Committee
GRCA Health and Genetics Committee Alert – Infectious respiratory disease cases reported in dogs from multiple regions

A. Before You Buy: Introduction to Golden Retriever Health

  1. Health Screening for the Parents of a Litter (hips, elbows, eyes, heart)
  2. Fatal Genetic Disease of Golden Retrievers
  3. Improving the Odds for Obtaining a Healthy Golden Puppy
  4. Understanding Cancer in Golden Retrievers
  5. Pigmentary Uveitis Alert for Breeders, Buyers, and Owners, 2024
  6. Effects of Early Spay or Neuter in Golden Retrievers

B. For New Owners, and Puppy or Adoption Packets

  1. Diet-Associated Heart Disease in Golden Retrievers
  2. Pigmentary Uveitis Alert for Breeders, Buyers, and Owners, 2024

C. Advanced Health Information

  1. Cancer
    1. Hemangiosarcoma Part I:  Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
    2. Hemangiosarcoma Part II: Possibilities for Improved Therapy and Prevention
    3. OncoK9® Cancer Detection Test
  2. NCL (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis)
  3. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
  4. Eyes
    1. Pigmentary Uveitis Alert for Breeders, Buyers, and Owners, 2024
    2. Pigmentary Uveitis Update, July 2022
    3. Purina Article on Pigmentary Uveitis
    4. PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) Update, 30-July-2022
  5. Heart Disease: Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS) Used with permission of Purina
    1. 2014 SAS Lecture, Dr. Josh Stern
    2. 2016 SAS Lecture, Dr. Josh Stern
  6. Diet-Associated Heart Disease in Golden Retrievers
  7. Preserving Genetic Diversity in Golden Retrievers
  8. Ichthyosis Used with permission of Purina
  9. Ichthyosis 2
  10. DNA Tests for Fatal Genetic Diseases in Goldens
  11. Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM) Used with permission from Purina
  12. Hypothyroidism
  13. Preventive Health Care
    1. Vaccinations for Dogs With a Social Lifestyle
  14. Publications Resulting from GRF sponsored Research

D. Participation in Research

  1. How to Participate in Research
  2. How to Participate in Pigmentary Uveitis Research (for affected dogs and healthy seniors)
  3. Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM) Research
  4. Ectopic Ureter Study
  5. DNA Repository (for healthy dogs and dogs with disease)
  6. About Clinical Trials

E. Miscellaneous Information

  1. DNA Health Testing Summary Guidance
  2. Vector Borne Diseases (from fleas and ticks)
    1. Protecting Your Golden from Flea and Tick Diseases
    2. Vector Borne Disease FAQs
  3. 1998 Scientific Health Survey Results
  4. OFA Electronic Health Survey
    1. Electronic Health Survey Results at 1 year

F. Useful Health-Related Links

  1. Health Resource Links