GRCA CCA Evaluator Questionnaire Host Club Event Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Chairman First Last Secretary First Last EvaluatorYour Name First Last Email 1. Do you have any suggestions or questions about the CCA Event procedures, rules, scoring etc?2. Were you satisfied with the setup and procedures?3. Was the Host Club knowledgeable and did they have sufficient workers to run an efficient event?4. Was the evaluation area sufficient and well designated?5. Were the score sheets easy to use?6. List the total number of evaluations and time it took to evaluate from start to finish:Total EvaluationsStart TimeFinish Time7. Were breaks given?:8. Were there any reportable problems at the site?If you need to explain any further details, please use the following comments box.The CCA Evaluators have an internet discussion group on Yahoo, to join please check appropriate box: Yes No We greatly appreciate your input and strongly suggest joining (if you haven’t already. Thank you for your time and participation in this program.Captcha