Hunting Test Comparison Charts – AKC, CKC, UKC/HRC, and NAHRA

A Comparison Chart Between Names Of Titles, Test Levels And Qualifying Scores

Junior Hunter (JH) Junior Hunter (JH) Started Hunting Retriever (SHR) Started Retriever (SR)
4 Q’s 3 Q’s 4 Q’s = 20 points 4 Q’s = 10 points
Senior Hunter (SH) Senior Hunter (SH) Hunting Retriever (HR) Working Retriever (WR)
Senior Senior Seasoned Intermediate
5 Q’s/4 with JH 5 Q’s/4 with JH 4 Q’s (40 pts)/3 with SHR 4 Q’s (20 points)
Master Hunter (MH) Master Hunter (MH) Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH) Master Hunting Retriever (MHR)
Master Master or Owner/Handler Master Finished Senior
6 Q’s/5 with SH 6 Q’s/5 with SH 7 Q’s (100 pts, 60 from Finished)/4 with HR 5 Q’s (100 pts total)/4 Q’s with WR
Grand Master Hunter (GMH) Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GHRCH) Grand Master Hunting Retriever (GMHR)
10 Q’s over MH 200 total pts over HRCH/ must have 2 Grand passes 10 Q’s (200 points) over MHR
Upland Hunter (UH)
Upland Tests
4 Q’s (40 points)


Marks Distances Collar/leash Other
AKC 2 land singles 2 water singles 100 yards maximum Buckle collar OK to hold or slip cord. Can handle on 1 mark. Retrieve to hand.
CKC 2 land singles 2 water singles 75 yards maximum Dog can be held by collar. Must be removed before sent. Can handle on 1 mark. Retrieve to hand. Carry gun once.
NAHRA 2 land singles 2 water singles 1 single judge's choice Land max 75 yards Water max 50 yards Can be held by leash, line or slipcord. No collars allowed. Not required to retrieve to hand. May carry shotgun.
UKC 2 land singles 2 water singles Land max 75 yards Water max 60 yards Dog can be held by collar, leash or line. Handler fires gun unless dog is held at line. Retrieve to hand not required. All dead birds.


Tests Distances SteadyHonorDiversionsOther
AKC Land double Water double Land blind

Water blind
100 yards max Controlled break allowed Yes Diversion shot required. Diversion birds allowed. Walk-up should be included. Blinds can’t be run between marks.
Blinds may be run as double blind.
Handler carries gun on all marking tests.
Land double Water double

Land blind

Water blind Upland test
100-125 yards max Controlled break allowed Yes Diversion shot should be used.
Diversion birds allowed but only when returning from last mark.
Diversions are a trainability situation.
Walk-up should be included.
Blinds can’t be run between marks. Blinds may be run as double blind.
Handler carries gun 2-3 times.
NAHRALand double
Water double
Water blind by itself
Upland test by itself
Land-100 yards max
Water marks-75 yards max
Water blind-50 yards max
Controlled break allowed No Diversion shots or birds can’t be used between 1st & 2nd marks Walk-ups allowed.
Handler may be required to carry shotgun.
UKCLand double
Water double
Land blind
Water blind
Tracking/ quartering
Land marks-100 yards max
Water marks-75 yards max
All blinds-40 yards max
Controlled break allowed.
Dog can be brought to line on leash.
NoDiversion shots must be fired before blinds are run.
Diversion birds only on last bird retrieved.
Handler fires shotgun.
Dead birds except on upland test.


TestsDistances SteadinessDiversionsOther
AKC Multi land marks, multi water marks, land/water multi mark. One set of marks must be a triple. Land blind, water blind; one of which must be a double bind 100 yards max Must be steady; no controlled breaks. Honor required Diversion shot or bird required. One test must include a walk-up. Handler carries gun in marking tests only.
CKC Multi land marks. Multi water marks. Land blind. Water blind. Upland test 100-125 yards max Must be steady; no controlled breaks. Honor required. Diversion shot or bird required. Triples are encouraged. Upland test requires a flush. Handler must carry gun
NAHRA Water triple. Land triple. Land blind. Water blind. Upland test with flush. Trailing test. 100 yards max Controlled break OK but is serious fault. Controlled break allowed on flushing test. An honor may be required. Dry shots may be fired. Diversion birds can only be thrown when dog is returning. Handler may be required to carry a gun. No quad marks. No simultaneous falls. Walk-ups OK. One blind must be included with marks. Both blinds may be included with marks.
UKC Multiple land marks. Multiple water marks. Land blind. Water blind. Upland test is separate and must be announced. Land marks-150 yards max. Water marks-125 yards max. Blinds-100 yards max. Creeping and con­trolled breaks may be a failure. Diversion bird can only be thrown when dog is returning. Judges may order sequence in which marks are picked up. Handlers fire gun on marks.