CCA – Certificate of Conformation Assessment
MESSAGE to GRCA Member Clubs: Consider hosting a CCA this year!
Host Club Information, Evaluator Information, Entry Forms and questionnaires are all available online and listed below. An exceptional (must have) new DVD titled “Understanding the CCA” is available For $12 from the GRCA store (under Books, Videos, CD’s). Great addition to any club library!
How do we host a CCA? There are lots of options: A CCA Event could be held in conjunction with a Show, Obedience Trial, Agility Trial, Working Certificate Test, Hunt Test, Field Trial, Eye/Heart/Health Clinic, Seminar, etc. On its own it isn’t a big money-maker, but in conjunction with other events, when facilities are already available and prospective entrants are at the ready, the CCA can compliment a Club’s income and be a rewarding educational experience for everyone.
The CCA Committee is committed to help Clubs answer questions, find Evaluators and organize events. We look forward to your support of the program, just drop us a note. You will find the contact names and email addresses below.
MESSAGE to entrants wishing to enter a CCA Event: Contact your local GRCA member Club and make sure they know you are interested and will support an upcoming event!
Mailing AddressJoanne Cava |
Joanne Cava, Chair
Bruce Mclean
Mari Magmer
Brenda Rojas
Beth Greenfield
Marcia Schlehr
Linda Billings
Deborah Krebsbach