AKC Licensed Field Trials

Rules (AKC): Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedures for Retrievers
The American Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding the integrity of its Registry, promoting the sport of purebred dogs and breeding for type and function. Founded in 1884, the AKC and its affiliated organizations. Learn more now!

A Guide to Field Trial Stakes
There are four stakes that can be offered at an AKC Licensed or member club field trial: Open, Amateur, Qualifying and Derby. The AKC requires that a club holding a licensed field trial have the two major stakes and at… Learn more now!

Year-end Field Trial Stats

New Qualified All-Age Goldens
Congratulations to all these great Goldens as well as to their very proud owners. Their names include only field titles. Some of these highly talented dogs have titles in other venues as well… Learn more now!